Whistleblower Protection Statement
Millennium Management LLC and its affiliates, including its relying advisers (collectively, “Millennium” or the “Firm”), respect the rights of whistleblowers and do not tolerate any conduct that impedes, prevents, or discourages individuals from reporting possible securities law violations. In the course of its business, the Firm has entered into agreements that include confidentiality or similar provisions prohibiting disclosure of the Firm’s confidential information. We wish to make clear that no such agreement or confidentiality provision prohibits or prevents any individual from reporting possible securities law violations to the SEC, CFTC, or any other federal, state, or local governmental regulatory or law enforcement agency or requires disclosure to the Firm thereof, or impairs any individual’s rights under whistleblower laws. The Firm will not enforce any such agreement or provision against any individual in relation to reporting a possible securities law violation to regulators.
Information and Statistics Disclosures
Unless otherwise indicated, all information and statistics included herein are updated as of Q1 2025.
AUM and Employee Headcount are updated as of February 28, 2025.
Dubai Disclosures
Millennium Capital (DIFC) Limited
Millennium Capital (DIFC) Limited (“MCDL”) is registered in the Dubai International Financial Centre (“DIFC”) with its principal office located at Unit L26-02, Level 26 and Unit L16-02, Level 16, ICD Brookfield Place, DIFC, P.O. Box 507223, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. MCDL is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (“DFSA”) under Reference Number F005782. Related financial products and services are intended only for a ‘Market Counterparty’ or a ‘Professional Client’ as defined by the DFSA and therefore no other person should act upon it.
MCDL does not offer any investor products. If you require further information, or if you have been contacted by someone claiming to offer any products on behalf of MCDL, please contact [email protected].
France Disclosures
Millennium Capital Management France
- MCMF Politique de gestion des conflits d’intérêt / MCMF Conflict of Interest Policy
- MCMF Gestion des réclamations / MCMF Complaints Management
- MCMF Notice de confidentialité / MCMF Privacy Notice
- MCMF Politique d’engagement des actionnaires / MCMF Shareholder Engagement Policy
- MCMF Politique ESG / MCMF ESG Policy
- MCMF Meilleure exécution & sélection / MCMF Best Execution & Selection
- MCMF Rapport annuel 2024 – Article 29 / MCMF Annual Report 2021 – Article 29
Millennium Capital Management France (“MCMF”) is registered under number 849 452 958 RCS Paris at the trade registry of Paris with its principal office located at 22 rue Bayard 75008 Paris, France. MCMF is authorised by the Autorité des marchés financiers (“AMF”) under agreement No. GP202172.
MCMF does not offer any investor products. If you require further information, or if you have been contacted by someone claiming to offer any products on behalf of MCMF, please contact [email protected].
Japan Disclosures
許可番号 農経(1)第27号
許可有効期間 令和6年3月26日 ~ 令和12年3月25日
Millennium Capital Management Asia Limited
License Certificate
Commodities Investment Management
Registration ID MAFF/METI (1) 27
Effective 26 March 2024 ~ 25 March 2030
Millennium Capital Management Asia Limited
UK Disclosures
Millennium Capital Partners LLP and Millennium Capital Management Ltd.
- UK Tax Strategy
- Modern Slavery Act Statement
- MIFIDPRU 8 Disclosures
- Shareholder Rights Directive Statement
- UK Stewardship Code Statement
- UK Gender Pay Gap Reporting
Millennium Capital Partners LLP (“MCP”) (Company number: OC312897), whose registered office is at 50 Berkeley Street, London, W1J 8HD, is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom and is a sub-adviser to certain affiliated investment management entities which are based overseas. Millennium Capital Management Ltd. (“MCML”) is an affiliate of MCP, with the same registered office.
MCP and MCML do not offer any investor products. If you require further information, or if you have been contacted by someone claiming to offer any products on behalf of MCP or MCML, please contact [email protected].
US Disclosures
Transparency in Coverage Rule
This link leads to the machine readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable files are formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to access and analyze data more easily.